When you use Tally on Cloud, you must have a valid license to do so legally. This license includes not only a valid Tally Prime license but many others.
Most people assume that when they buy Tally Cloud services from any provider, all the relevant licenses are already included in that offering.
But it might be far from the truth.
You must confirm with your Tally Cloud vendor whether their offering includes a valid License.
There are two ways to run Tally on the Cloud: on Windows Servers or on Linux Servers. While Linux has no license cost, Windows servers require a license.
Let’s understand the requirements for running Tally on a Windows Server environment.
You might say that you have a Windows license for the desktop on which you are accessing Tally Cloud. But that is not valid for running Tally on the Cloud; your server needs a license.
Remember, you are putting your Critical Financial Data at risk when you use Tally Prime from servers that do not have valid licenses.
You might think that, since the vendor provides the server, it’s their responsibility. But that might not be the case.
Check with your vendor and get the clarification in writing from them.
Next Time you buy a Tally Cloud Subscription, especially on the Windows platform, confirm whether it includes a Windows License and a Remote Access License.
CEO, Enjay IT Solutions